About Us

Few words about PertAirport Taxi

Learn about our

If you’re looking for top-quality taxi services in the Perth area, we offer a range of passenger transport solutions throughout Perth and Western Australia. Whether you're a vacationer or a business traveler, our services ensure a safe, reliable, and tailored experience to meet all your needs. We specialize in Airport Transfer, Corporate Transfers, Tours & Day Trips, FIFO Transfers, Parcel Delivery, Medical Appointments, and handling oversized loads like surfboards or fishing equipment. For your convenience and safety, all our Perth taxis are equipped with state-of-the-art GPS tracking systems and advanced security cameras.

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Our drivers have a minimum of five years’ experience and are subject to stringent police clearance. All our taxis comply with local regulations and are fully authorized by the Western Australian government. As one of Perth's leading taxi companies, we are committed to providing complete customer satisfaction. We go above and beyond to meet your reasonable requirements, and we are confident you’ll be delighted with our service.

Taxi Users’ Subsidy Scheme

PertAirport Taxi accepts both TUSS vouchers and regular payments for taxi fares. The Taxi Users' Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) offers discounted taxi travel for individuals with a severe permanent disability, making it difficult to use conventional public transport. If you or the person you're booking a taxi for is a member of this scheme, you will have a book of TUSS vouchers to use for discounted rides. Please inform us if you have a voucher, and we'll ensure you receive the discount.

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